About: dalitopia

One major problem in the world of pets is puppy and kitten mills. These breeding operations are a horror for the pets trapped in them, a pet version of death camps. Pets are forced to breed year after year, while living their lives out in small cages, with no comfort or attention and little medical care. Sometimes the pets live in stacked cages, so the feces and urine drop down onto the animals below. Puppies and kittens are often taken...

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16 Jul
Stay Calm

Stay Calm

Projects or activities like helping stray pets can get out of hand very fast because you get excited about being pro-active and doing something. You may go out and suddenly buy five dozen products in preparation for finding a stray pet. You might get obsessed with the idea and buy too much, overrun your house with preparation, and just get too excited. Try not to do this. Understand that picking up stray animals is a now-and-then kind of thing; it...

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